Friday, May 21, 2010
My wonderful life at International Islamic University Malaysia
Cirebon, Indonesia at the of 2001
My wonderful life started when I was doing skripsi at my university. One day my father said that I have an opportunity to continue my study to take master degree oversea. Oversea? I couldn't believe it. I tried to get that opportunity. Then, my father suggested me to choose Malaysia. It is because Malaysia is Islamic country and nearby Indonesia. Because at that time I was a single, so it was easy for me to go home when I got home sick.
As some people said that sometimes the opportunity is not come again for the second time. That is way; I tried to get that opportunity. I accepted at two universities, there was University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) or University Islam Antara Bangsa/UIAM (in bahasa Malaysia version). When I consulted to my friends who know about universities at Malaysia, most of them recommended me to choose IIUM. It is because IIUM is the International University and the Islamic University. I accepted in Department of Education and my specialization is Educational Psychology. The end of 2001 I went to Malaysia by myself.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
As international student, visa is the most important thing that I have to get it. At that time, I was too early to enter to Malaysia. Went out from Malaysia was my requirement to get my visa. So, my fighting was started. There were two countries to settle my visa that was Singapore and Thailand. Thailand was my target, because according to information from my friends, that was not easy to enter to Singapore. And… I tried to find out a friend to accompanied me to go to Thailand but I didn’t. All my friends (especially for sisters) were so busy to prepare examination. Then, my best friend, her name is Ercy (she is from East Timor) said that there was a Thai sister, and she wanted to go home to her “kampong” in Patani (Southern Thailand). She could help me to accompany me to go to Thailand. A few days later, at the evening we went to Puduraya Terminal at Kuala Lumpur by bus. At Puduraya terminal, my friend said that we have different bus to go to Thailand. It was because her bus was full already. I was so shock to hear that. But what to do? I didn’t have any option. It was a must for me to gout out from Malaysia. So, my bus went ahead before my friend. I cannot believe it… I went to Thailand by myself!!
Pattani, Thailand
At the morning, I arrived to Pattani and I waited for my friend at the last terminal as my friend said. In a little time, my friend arrived too. We bought a breakfast and took a rest for a while only then we went to ticket agent to buy a ticket for went back to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. And the bus came… and.. I stayed at Thailand a few hour only.. Interesting..
At the border…
It was arrived at the border. The passengers have to go to the immigration locket, so did I. but then.. I couldn’t enter to Malaysia, because of something.. oh my God.. I was so scare, they brought my passport and I have to go to the office immigration. There was a Pak cik there, I explain to him about my mission to Thailand while I showed him my visa student. I begged to him, in order I could enter to Malaysia.. I really begged to him..
He was so touched when he looked at me (I was alone and my face so pale, of course.. I was really scare and worried if the Pak cik forbidden me to enter to Malaysia), then.. he allowed me.. Alhamdulillah ya Allah.. thanks ya Allah… suddenly I remembered my mom. I was really sure that because the doa from my mom… thanks mom…
And .. I was the last passenger who took up to the bus..
At Kuala Lumpur..
At the evening, it was a round 7pm o’clock, the bus reached KL. I couldn’t believe that I have been to Thailand by myself… And the next duty was… I have to be a good student at IIUM so that I could finish my study… till I meet somebody who loves me and I love him too, then we decided to Forde our life together, forever in this world…
February, 2005
That was our last time in staying in Malaysia. We have to go back to Indonesia, because my husband has to teach as soon as possible. We hijrah to Yogyakarta at the end of February 2005.
Now in 2010…
Now,… I’m in Yogyakarta. Sometime, if I open my photos when I was stayed in Malaysia, I always say that was my wonderful journey in my life… I never, never and never forget it forever in my life…
Sunday, May 9, 2010
happy mothers day
hari ini adalah happy mothers day..
Jika kita lihat kalimat tersebut, tentunya kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa hari ini adalah hari yang seharusnya semua ibu bergembira dan bersenang... di mana hari itu, seharusnya... semua anggota keluarga memperlakukan ibu mereka dengan istimewa ( yang tentunya bukan berarti setelah hari itu, kemudian seorang ibu tidak lagi diperlakukan dengan istimewa). dan... di mana di hari itu juga, sudah semestinya semua anggota keluarga mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada ibunda tercinta mereka atas segala hal yang telah mereka terima..
Ya, memang benar adanya.. seorang ibu adalah sesosok manusia yang luar biasa.. seorang wanita yang mana hampir semua orang menganggap sesosok yang lemah, tapi mampu mempunyai kekuatan yang maha dashyat yang belum tentu dimiliki oleh seorang pria bertubuh tegap sekalipun... kekuatan dahsyat seorang ibu yang mampu mengantarkan anak-anaknya menjadi orang-orang yang hebat. mampu membawa anak-anaknya untuk dapat merubah dunia... semua itu dari sosok yang kecil, lemah, ringkih seakan tidak berdaya... tapi ternyata luar biasa.. itulah ibu...
Itulah mengapa, dunia mengadakan happy mothers day,... itulah mengapa, di Indonesia diadakan hari Ibu, dan itulah mengapa Rasul SAW menjawab ibu, ibu dan ibu... ketika ditanya tentang siapakah orang yang harus pertama kali dihormati... Ah sekali lagi, orang ibu memang luar biasa.. seluruh dunia memujanya, seluruh manusia menyanjung, semua orang menghormatinya...
Sekarang, bagaimana dengan kita (termasuk aku)? Apakah kita sudah memperlakukan ibu tercinta kita dengan semestinya... apakah kita sudah mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepadanya?? dan apakah kita sudah meminta maaf atas segala kesalahan yang telah kita perbuat kepadanya...?? Ah.. betapa naifnya kita, jika kita belum juga melakukan semua itu... jika kita melupakan segala kebaikan yang telah ibu kita berikan kepada kita... karena terlalu banyak yang sudah ibu korbankan demi kita, waktu, tenaga, pikiran dan sebagainya...
Sebaiknya, selagi ada kesempatan... kita perbaiki diri dan kita menata diri kita untuk membalas semua yang telah ibu berikan kepada kita. Walaupun, kita semua tahu, bahwa ibu kita tidak mengharapkan semua itu..
Kita yakin bahwa hanya satu keinginan ibu.... kita bahagia... itu saja!!
ya Allah, mohon kepadaMu.. ampunilah segala dosa ibu, berikan selalu kesehatan, kesenangan dan kebahagiaan dalam menjalani sisa hidupnya.
mama... happy mothers day.. i love you
I'm just Laela Amalia Adhiati
blog ini sarat dengan kisah perjalanan hidup seorang laela amalia adhiati. seorang khalifah di bumi ini yang tengah merancang dan menata kehidupannya untuk berguna bagi orang lain dan mendapatkan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akherat. penuh dengan pelajaran hidup..., yang mungkin bisa diambil manfaatnya terutama oleh diriku sendiri dan orang lain...
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